Don't Waste Another Day on What You Don't Like
Probably the single most important reason why people struggle to reach their full potential is the traditional fallacy that in order to be successful you need to improve your weaknesses. As a result, people waste years and even decades trying to become better at what they struggle with. They spend time on what they don't enjoy, often completely neglecting their natural strengths and talents which makes them unique and potentially highly effective.
The futility of this approach had been revealed by more than 30 years of research among millions of people around the globe by the Gallup Organization. This research has proven conclusively that the the best-led organizations know that the most direct path to individual, team, and organizational improvement begins with an investment in an employees' greatest talents. The key to success is not to focus on improving weaknesses, but to discover what's naturally right with people, and then build on it.
Discover and Use Your Personal Strengths
It's Time To Move To The Next Level
Using Gallup's Clifton StrengthsFinder (CSF) assessment tool, followed by a one-on-one session with a certified StrengthsFinder coach, we offer you the opportunity to find out what YOUR personal strengths are and thento develop them in order to become more effective and fulfilled in your personal and professional life. This excellent development tool - which we present to you at a special package rate - has already helped millions of people in more than 100 countries increase their efficiency while deriving more joy and fulfillment from what they do.
- After booking with us you will receive a unique CSF access code once we've received your payment.
- You complete the CSF online assessment which will reveal your top five personal strengths (out of a possible 34).
- A Strengthfinders coach helps you to understand each of your strengths and their implications, discussing how your unique combinations of strengths can be developed and applied in your personal and professional life (approx 60 minute session).
-We also offers additional coaching for leaders and others interested in honing and sharpening specific areas of their skills set; such as leadership proficiency, communication skills, cultural engagement and negotiation skills.
Whether you're part of a large organization where personal improvement means progress and success, or an individual wishing to become more efficient and have greater impact on those around you, this is the opportunity to stop worrying about your weaknesses and start moving forward by maximizing your unique talents and strengths.
For more details, contact info[at]andrewbrough[dot]com